Fix Retainer Agreement Red Flags That Can Cost You Money
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As a lawyer, you hold a mountain of responsibility. You help uphold the law, often influence public policy, and make a significant impact on the livelihoods of your clients. Ensuring you have all of your t’s crossed and i’s dotted is an understatement. This is a lot of pressure for even the most seasoned lawyer, but it doesn’t have to be.
PracticePanther’s Senior Account Executive, Andy Stimmel, is joined by Owner of My Shingle and solo/small law firm guru, Carolyn Elefant to help you draft ethically compliant retainer agreements and discuss:
- Consequences of communicating referrals and contractors
- The importance of clear, terms with minimal legalese
- Mitigating bar complaints from disgruntled clients
- Automating the retainer agreement process
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Run Time: 44:05
Andy Stimmel
Senior Account Executive @PracticePanther
Andy Stimmel has been an account manager at PracticePanther for 5 years. He has extensive knowledge in the software's features and automation that allow legal professionals to gain time back in their day and boost productivity. On a typical day, you can find Andy educating new firms about the platform and guiding them through the transition process.
Carolyn Elefant
Attorney and Owner @My Shingle
Carolyn Elefant owns the energy and environmental law firm, Law Offices of Carolyn Elefant and is the founder of MyShingle, the longest-running blog on solo and small law firm practice. Dubbed the patron saint of solo and small firms, Carolyn writes and speaks on topics including starting a modern law firm in the digital age, how small firms can leverage technology to compete with large firms, the need for regulatory and ethics reform to ensure the sustainability of small law firm practice, and the role of woman-owned law firms in achieving gender equality in the legal profession.
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Retainer agreements are an essential component of onboarding clients. They kickstart the attorney-client relationship and help set the tone going forward. So, it's important for lawyers to create agreements that are both transparent and can be easily digested by anyone.
Understanding common red flags and automating the retainer agreement process ensures both the lawyer and client are on the same page and protected.
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